Vanity Fair Magazine - John French


Vanity Fair Magazine.

A rare early 1960s issue.

Cover: Image by John French


Commencing with a 70 page section of wonderful adverts

Paris vanities - 2 pages by John French

Floating Clouds 6 pages by John French

If you have £ - spend it - 2 pages by John French

The young perfectionist 4 pages by Dennis Bacon

2 pages by David Mist

Under your hat - 4 pages by Robert Belton

The car plaid - 4 pages John French

3 pages of illustration by Graz

Young executive - 4 pages by John French

Tall girls - A 2 page image of 3 models in front of a timber store. We very much suspect that the model on the left is a young ( aged 19 ) Grace Coddington - If so, surely one of her very earliest-ever images. 

Plus more....

Condition: Very good. Light tears at the stapled area.