The Sunday Times Magazine - Ken Russell Sebastiao Salgado Ethiopia
The Sunday Times Magazine
Cover: Image by Sebastiao Salgado
Polish and be damned - A 2/3rd of a page article with Stanislas Syrewicz
The exodus from a land without hope - A 12 page report in Tigre Ethiopia with images by Sebastiao Salgado
Things are looking up - A 4 page report on John Broome and Alton Towers.
The devil's own opera - A 2 and a half page article with Ken Russell
A life in the day - 1 page interview with Galina Vishnevskaya
Condition: Good.
Please note. Our updated and larger scans of the Sunday Times now include a watermark. The image shown above is of the actual item for sale, however, for the purpose of protecting our online data, the watermark and lines have been added to our scanned image only. This does not appear on the magazine itself.