Queen Magazine - Machastchek HELMUT NEWTON Donyale Luna GRACE CODDINGTON
Queen Magazine -
Cover photography: Machastchek
Within this issue.
Fashion editorials as follows.
Title - Photographer - Number of pages
For sale - Paris - Helmut Newton - 8 pages Includes Donyale Luna, at times wearing a blonde curly wig
Go west young man - Clive Arrowsmith 4 pages ff male fashion
Centre le Corbusier - 6 pages on a Pavillion in Zuric - images by Jürg Gasser
HIt for Miss S - 6 pages with Miss Selfridge fashion modelled by who we am sure to be Grace Coddington - example shown - Images by Bill King.
Do it yourself dazzle - David Anthony - 6 pages with Maudie James
The main cover is in good condition but not perfect. A few small creases. When held to the light you can see evidence of a small bottomed cup or similar having been placed on the magazine in the past.