Nova Magazine - Frederike Helwig PJ Harvey


Nova Magazine - 6

Cover Star: Model by Frederike Helwig


Please read the condition report below

5 pages with Tegla Loroupe

A star is reborn - 7 pages with PJ Harvey - with 4 images by Valerie Phillips

4 pages with photography by Deborah Turbeville

12 pages of editorial with devon Aoki by Juergen Teller

Big hair day - 4 pages by David Sims

8 pages by Corinne Day

Condition: Please note that the last 16 pages of this issue have some damp damage and wrinkling to the pages. The articles mentioned above are NOT affected.


Please note that the words MagazineCanteen do not appear on the actual magazine for sale. This watermark has been added to our scanned image only to protect our data