Garage Magazine - 2 - Harry The Hare & Friends


Garage Magazine

Issue number: 2

Year of publication: 2012

Cover image of: Harry The Hare & Friends


10 pages of fashion with Alana Zimmer

A fashion editorial with Edita Vilkeviciute - Edita Vilkevičiūtė

And more

Condition: Very Good

This issue comes with a denim patch inside. Within the denim patch - an art wrapped condom. This would be one of 4 random designs. However, all issues we have include the Mat Collishaw Condom



Please be aware that issues 1 and 2 came with a cover which is intentionally unglued on the left side showing the binding within.

This is not a fault..... this is true of some fashion magazines, so that you see the pages bound reveled to one side. Though garage used this method for the first two issues only.